Guide to Bel Air

Separate yet situated in the heart of Los Angeles, the exclusive home to movie stars and various other celebrated individuals, Bel Air is located directly next to the campus of UCLA. Once the home of former President Ronald Reagan, this icon of affluence is a symbol of the status and exclusivity that can be attained as a result of tremendous wealth. Whether they be mid-sized ranches or august mansions, there is a certain prestige attached to owning a home here. Other notable celebrity residents have been Sonny and Cher, Bogie and Bacal, Elizabeth Taylor, Judy Garland, and Alfred Hitchcock. Laying claim to five star hotels and a housing market that is the envy of the rest of the world, it is the perfect destination for A-list celebrities and the movers and shakers of traditional high society. For those fortunate to enjoy the finer pleasures that life has to offer the gates leading into the community are a testament to the neighborhood's perceived air of superiority. Part of the Santa Monica mountains can be found here as well, lending those on higher planes a most magnificent view of the island of Catalina. Obviously no stranger to film crews and television production teams, Bel Air has appeared in many features in both mediums across the decades. More

Scenes from Bel Air
That You Choose to IgnorePhotoshoot - 20240406a-4The Getty Center (Los Angeles, California)The Getty Center (Los Angeles, California)The Getty Center (Los Angeles, California)The Getty Center (Los Angeles, California)Lansdowne Hermes
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