Local Bars in Los Angeles

While it may seem difficult to define "local" in the large city of Los Angeles, it is the very breadth of this city that allows for a rich and diverse nightlife scene. Local bars to the Los Angeles area are as varied as the stars in the sky, each one burning brightly in a unique and ethereal way. Los Angeles is often perceived as the land of eternal glitz and glam, where every bar has it's own Hollywood sign and elite selection of celebrities sipping sassy cocktails in evening gowns. While LA might very well have a jarring amount of these VIP style clubs to suit the VIP style celebs, this city is also home to scads of hangouts for the average, every-day working folk; folk who like quiet bars at happy hour where they can grab an ice cold beer and watch the game, folk who don't want to wait an hour to get into the bar, folk who don't want to wear anything other than jeans and a pair of chucks to the speakeasy around the corner.

3156 Glendale Blvd Los Angeles CA 90039

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