About "Awake and Sing!"

"Awake and Sing!" -- Clifford Odets' Depression-Era Drama

In "Awake and Sing!", the economic ravages of '30s New York threaten to destroy the tenuous ties that bind a working-class family in social dramatist Clifford Odets' acclaimed Depression-era drama. First produced in 1935, "Awake and Sing!" is the passionate, ultimately hopeful story of the Bergers, a Bronx-dwelling family of Jewish immigrants dealing with the hardships of the times. Bessie, the Berger matriarch, is willing to crush her children's dreams in order to keep the struggling clan intact, but the irrepressible spirit of youth refuses to be extinguished in Odets' timeless ode to the American working class, coming to the Odyssey Theatre in Los Angeles.
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